Wednesday, December 8, 2010

November Challenge

In case you didn't know, I challenged myself for the month of November to do no drinking at all. I drank waaaay too much in October and it was my chance to see if I could exhibit self control, save money, and lose weight. I must say, for at least two of the objectives I was successful. I did save a lot of money and was very controlled. As far as weight loss, eh, I didn't gain. Plus, November was an emotional roller coaster for me, so if there was ever a reason to drink, that was it. But really, it strengthened my resolve not to, as it would portent a problem.

So December 1st rolls around, and we head to the Kilt. Lot of alcohol consumed, and for the first time ever, I have periods of no memory. This was not a good idea, and I will not be repeating it. Pretty sure this means I've officially left my youth behind, as I will be drinking in light moderation from now on. I'm not going to miss it- I thoroughly embarrassed myself at the bar with puking into a bucket at the ACTUAL bar. Needless to say, I was hustled out very quickly after.

The only saving grace from the night going down in infamy at the Kilt is the fact that another regular jumped off his roof drunk and broke his leg in four places the same night. Yeah, so glad that's not me.

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