Thursday, December 16, 2010

Did the Cyclones win last night?

I went to the game last night and there was a cute guy sitting slightly back and to the right of me. It was dollar beer night so I got up several times to purchase beer, one at a time. The guy I noticed started winking and making faces at me as I passed, so after a couple of times I winked back. After going to the bathroom, I stopped at his seat and introduced myself. We chatted for a bit and he asked for my number, which I gave him. We texted for a bit and he asked me to come hang out at a bar with him and his friend. I tried to get my friends to go, but Stan had to work in the morning and refused. didn't drive there, so I didn't have a choice. The guy actually got mad, and told me to grow up and make my own decisions. I told him I do, but I'm not about to go off by myself with a stranger. That's just personal safety. I then told him AJ would kill one of us if I did and he called my brother "a lil bitch." At this point I was done flirting as he clearly was a jerk. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

On a different note, I'm frustrated with the guy I'm dating. He told me he doesn't make plans for hanging out (we don't call it dating as that freaks him out), and told me we'll see about going out tonight. So, all of the plans for dates that we've made and actually done were nothing? I gsave him a time ultimatum for tonight, and that'll be it from me. If he wants to do something with me, he can contact me. Time to move on to one of the other 8 guys.

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