Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The flame still flickers

So, this story is a combination of me opening my big mouth, and my dating life. Enjoy!

After a wonderful date on Sunday with Yacob (after which he called to say he missed me already), we were texting on Monday after I got out of work. We exchanged the usual mushy stuff, and I mentioned that Drew wanted to meet him. The context was that I was watching Drew and Mary's dog the previous weekend, and I had to have AJ take over some of the duties since I would be on a date. Drew wanted to meet the guy that was more important that his dog. Funny, right? I thought so, and I shared, thinking he would see the joke.

That was the last I heard from him. I guess it didn't translate well across text and language barriers. I called him on Wednesday, inviting him to a fundraiser I was going to Friday night and had an extra ticket for, and then again on Thursday to invite him to the Cyclones game a group was going to on Saturday night. I was sent straight to voicemail. Apparently, I scared him off.

So, today, I decided one last attempt wouldn't make me seem pathetic, so I sent him a quick text that said, "Are we still talking, or did I scare you off?" I got an immediate response, "Lol, of course not! It's a long story. I'll be in touch soon!"

So, I did think my big mouth did some damage, but we'll see what the deal is here. Updates to come . . .

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh my god. Bobby's aunt just toked up and blew the smoke in the dog's face! Poor puppy is MELLOW.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Like a pearl forming in an oyster

I am so irritated today. I keep getting texts from j, pumping me for details about my dating. I already told him i wasn't sharing details, and it's none of his business. He wants to know about specific intimacies and what our official status is. So finally i told him, "do you want a notification when we make it official?"

That seemed to work, since I haven't heard from him today since I sent it. I'd have to say I dodged a major bullet there.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Check and check!

So, my four criteria for looking for a man have been fulfilled!

1. Must have the illusion of all his teeth. Check! Yacob has a wonderful smile full of teeth.
2. Must be taller than me. Check! He's 5'10"
3. Must have a good sense of humor. Check! Already commenced teasing me, and thinks I'm hilarious!
4. Must be able to hold their own in conversation with me. Check! He is so smart and we have no problem conversing, outside of him having me repeat myself when I talk too fast.
5. Bonus: Sexy accent. Check!! I could listen to him all day!

Just when I gave up and decided to enjoy what life threw my way, I meet someone. Yes, I did meet him at a gay club, and no, he's not gay. He saw me flailing about on the dance floor and had to come over and dance with me. How funny that my uncoordination worked in my favor. He thinks it's cute when I run into things.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"You never go full retard"


He likes me, he really likes me! We had a great conversation (FOR TWO HOURS) via text last night. Yacob told me he misses me and to come back soon! We're already making plans for future dates and we haven't had our first one yet!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On another note . . .

I did have this awesome post to write about marriage and some recent things I've learned about myself and where I want my life to go, but instead I find myself obsessing about my date on Friday. With no concrete plans, except for me to call him when my plane lands, I fear he has changed his mind about the whole situation.

After texting me right after leaving my side at the club, then calling me an hour later, then texting me again on Sunday to make plans, I haven't heard much from him since. I texted him on Monday, but there's been no communication yesterday or today. This makes me a little paranoid and headed back into the territory of "I'm not good enough." Am I reading more into this than there really is?

I've decided to text him again when I get back to the hotel tonight, and if he wants to talk, great. I'm not going to call him first because I'm sure I'll babble like an idiot. Hopefully he doesn't see this as me being clingy and we can make definite plans for Friday.

One bonus (and I'm a terrible person for gloating), is that J is a little bit jealous (or a lot). I got a text yesterday saying, "so I hear you have a date. What's going on?"And this is after the whole new round of drama we've been going through the past month that I have kept off this blog to keep it light. Then today, on IM, he starts asking me all kinds of questions. "So tell me about your date. . .are you excited? . . .What does he look like? . . .Tall, short? . . .Fat, skinny? . . ."

He ends with "I guess I'm happy for you." What the hell, dude? You had your chance. And, an extra dose of gloat because he saw me at the meeting last week, and he's put on noticeable weight. He saw I had lost weight and complimented me; told me today about his plan for losing.

Not buying any of this. Here's hoping this weekend works out. I so don't need more drama in my life!

So I talked to Yacob, and we are definitely on for Friday!! He texted: "Come back soon" and that he has a cold "but don't worry I b better by Friday!" I told him if I were in town, I would bring him chicken noodle soup and he said that was sweet of me. Uh oh, I'm in trouble . . .