Friday, October 22, 2010

Another one bites the dust

Well, I guess I have my answer.  I know that 21's phone had run out of minutes so he couldn't contact me, but I figured once he purchased more, I would hear from him.  He got the minutes, and I know this because of a little Facebook stalking.  Yes, again.  He posted a couple of hours ago from his phone and another 15 minutes ago posted "ha ha sweet lady kisses," which is obviously not about me.  I guess he decided he was no longer interested in me, and became another in a long line of "never call agains."  Because we all know how much I LOVE that.  I am hurt, but I'm trying to compartmentalize and move on.

On a brighter note, I texted Nola, and instead of bailing early on my friends, we're going to go out Monday.  I'm supposed to call him Sunday so we can decide where and when.  It still is a little strange, and I can't wait to pick his brain about why he waited so long.

I do have Keeneland tomorrow, which will be fun, and a great concert afterwards.  Nola was debating driving down separately from the buses so we could hang out for the day (he would have to leave earlier than the buses for a previous commitment.).  We'll see what happens, and what kind of trouble I can get into with all the included alcohol.

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