Monday, September 6, 2010

Seriously? Again?

So, the new situation is no more. After a couple of weeks of flirting, we went out with a group last night and I told him that I'd been flirting with him, and he said he noticed and was flirting back. I asked if he was interested in me, and he said coyly, "Maybe." We talked and drank for most of the night, and later the group went to a new hole-in-the-wall bar on the west side. The conversation came back up and I told him he never gave me a definitive answer. He said, "Probably not. There's your answer." He also called himself a man whore, which does not bode well for any future things. The group hung out for a while longer, then we went back to his house and I crashed on the couch.

Today, we rehashed it totally sober.

Him: I wasn't trying to be rude yesterday but I get off on the chase.
Me: That's fine. I didn't think you were any more rude than normal. We're still good.
Him: Alright.
Me: Besides, you can't put any stock in drunken ramblings- any of the crap I said last night once we started on the shots.
Him: Actually, people are more honest drunk.
Me: I've heard that. Ok, so maybe I was being honest. Still doesn't mean anything.
Him: It did until it didn't go your way.
Me: Honestly, it's ok. I was just being flirty and you said no. I thought we could have fun, but I'm good.
Him: I had fun, didn't you?
Me: Absolutely.

Anyway, I'm going to consider this a total ruleout, as I don't play games, and he clearly still wants to with women. It really drives home the fact that I need to date older men. Younger ones are just not cutting it in terms of maturity.

Speaking of men lacking maturity levels, J contacted me the night before last. Now I know it's my bad to be on the phone with him for an hour, but I assume we are still friends. He was clearly drunk, and it was making me laugh. After a bit, the gist of the conversation was that he wanted to have phone sex right then, and talked about meeting me in Indianapolis for real sex. It was seriously funny with him trying to convince me while trying not to sound so slurry.

The winning phrase: "I don't have a job so I can be at your beck and call and meet on your schedule." But imagine this said with slurred words and stuttering. FYI- did not engage in phone sex, and am not meeting him in Indianapolis. He had his chance, and blew it.

I think I'm also a terrible person for getting a kick out of the situation. It's a heady feeling that I have multiple men thinking about me (Still talking to BH. *hangs head in shame*).


  1. Heehee. I like how J couches the fact that he is unemployed like it's a great deal for you. How could you pass up the fabulous opportunity to be his sugar momma?

    Good call on the older man decision. I think that would be a smart bet.

  2. Apparently, the best advice I've received is to date a guy from New Jersey that now lives here, because they cut right through the bullshit and don't play games.

    Ohhhhh, I so did it backwards! I dated a guy from here that moved to Jersey. My bad.

  3. I also told him we should catch up sometime when he's sober. Like that'll happen.
