Friday, June 24, 2011

You just know

I've always hated the platitudes people would tell me in a relationship. I felt they were trite and insincere, even when they had my best interests at heart.

"It'll happen for you when you least expect it."
"You're a wonderful person, and someday someone will realize that."
"I can't explain what love is, you just know."

You get the jist. Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong and they were right. It does happen when you least expect it, and you do just know.

I know it seems fast, considering we've only been dating for two months, but this is it for me and he feels the same way. It's like we were just waiting for each other to compliment. And he does make me a priority, and I do the same for him. I apologize if this post is mushy, and my statuses on Facebook have been less than hilarious lately, but I can only write what I feel.

I was happy before, there is no doubt about that. I loved my life and the people in it, but that happiness is nothing compared to how I feel now. Well, it's official now, I've posted it on the interwebs. :)

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